Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Make your kid’s coming birthday special with a YFliker from Yvolution.

Kids love the scooter but not the parents. Parents always stay worried when their kids play around on motorized wheels. The good part is as long as you and your kids take the safety precautions it can be a great element of outdoor fun. You have to choose the right scooter, the proper safety equipment and few simple decisions that will offer you and your kid a delightful summer. A scooter that ranges from at 10 or 15 mph is a great choice for younger kids, while the faster ones should be set aside for teenagers. And keep in mind that in some areas use of electric scooters are prohibited in the public roads. It is recommended that children should be of least 8 years old to ride on an electric model. Look at the standing deck, scooters with a wider base to stand offers more stability and is easier to balance. Sit-down scooters are wider than stand-up ones, so keep that in mind if you're having issues in choosing between the two. Buy the appropriate Safety Accessories. We often see kids riding bicycles and scooters without helmets or other safety pads. Many of us tend to do the same or we allow our children to ride without that safety gear. However, this is a huge risk, as head injuries is one of the most common types of childhood injuries from this accident. Just as we wear helmets while riding a bicycle, we should wear helmets when riding an electric scooter too.
 Yvolution offers a new family of revolutionary three-wheeled scooters that will get kids up and dynamic and carry them safe as well. There’s no need of kicking the pavement like simple two wheel scooters anymore. Riders can simply pan their hips from side to side to get going and keep riding using their own body strength for self-propelling fun. The YFliker’s improved and patented technology is not heavy and sleek lustrous design, combined with high quality wheels, allows the free-style scooter to perform in a smooth, carving and drifting actions.  The scooterfliker’s  quick response hand brake offers kids increased control and ensures safety and a gives a fun ride.

Y Fliker also offers anti-vibration hand grips for extra smoothness and comfort and can be stored easily. Thanks to its twist and folding system. If for this birthday you want to gift your kid with a kid’s scooter, Yvolution’s  YFliker is the best option.

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