Thursday, 26 May 2016

Facts and figures about kids’ scooters

Today, children are more comfortable with their indoor games than outdoor games. This trend is coming due to lack of open spaces as well as lack of time of the parents. But having fun with the outdoor games is required for the perfect development of the children. To fulfill this purpose, kids’ scooters are the good options. It is quite interesting equipment that can drive the minds of kids towards outer world. 
 About the structural features of kids’ scooters

Structure of such a kind of scooter consists of only one wheel at front of the vehicle and other two wheels at the back. The role of the front wheel is like the steering of the scooter, which controls its running. As these are created specifically for children, these are made as light weight and easy to grip. Aluminum metal is used as the major material to manufacture these styles of scooters.
Now, as all things are being technologized with newer to newest procedures, kids’ scooters also have modified version. Scooters enabled with folding mechanism are available today. This mechanism has made it portable. Your child may carry it anywhere he or she wants to. The look of this sort of scooter is also being smarter day-by-day. The manufacturers are changing materials to get new look. Materials such as metallic paints, chrome finishes, flashing lights and wheel breaks; these are newly added things in the structure of kids’ scooters.

Rechargeable scooters involving a battery are also obtainable in market today. It consists of an electric motor. Speed of such a scooter is faster than the normal one. So it is more enjoyable gaming equipment for the children.

Reasons for giving your child a kids’ scooter

Few facts are there for which parents opt for kids’ scooters for their adorable children, instead of other things.
  • The first and foremost thing is the safety matter. While your child rides on such a scooter, you can stay relieved that there is no chance of serious accident.
  • Children enjoy the learning of riding. As riding on such a scooter is not so difficult, they can learn it within a short time and get a sense of huge achievement, which is positive for their minds.
  • They also learn minute consciousness, while learning the riding, which is required for their perfect growth.
 While riding on kids scooters, the children feel free. This is an experience for them like they are able to do everything, without the help of their parents.

Saturday, 30 April 2016

Three wheel scooters – a bliss for people with mobility problems

Three wheel scooters are not merely designed for the fun and entertainment of young children. Instead, they have come into appearance to carry out more important functions. For an instance, there are millions of people in the world with mobility problems. These people have long been on the lookout for a smooth means of getting around in the vicinity and these scooters serve their purposes to perfection.

Scooters with Three wheels prove to be a boon for people with all types of immobility. For those who suffer from complete immobility these scooters are necessary means of moving around. Since, these people are fully dependent on scooters they are indispensable tools from medical perspective. And, for people those who suffer from partial immobility these scooters are convenient means of transportation. These people with partial immobility are capable of walking on their own feet but suffer from various conditions such as weight, heart, lung conditions.

Beneficial aspects of three wheel scooters

Shopping experience of people with immobility has become lot more effortless and thus enjoyable as soon as they start riding these three wheel scooters. These scooters are not only easy to maneuver but the front wheel also facilitates easy navigation in crowded malls and through the narrow doors of retail stores. Furthermore, these scooters come with a detachable basket so that people can carry things while shopping around. Here are some additional advantages of riding on three wheel scooters;

·         These scooters come with ample leg space
·         Seats of these scooters are very comfortable and they come with armrest as well
·         No stress or pain involved in getting around inside the household and also on pavements
·         These scooters can be dismantled easily and the lightweight parts can be carried in most vehicles

 With the advent of these wheel scooters people with mobility problems no longer feel left behind. Gone are the days, when they had to remain stuck at home as they now can go outdoors without depending on anyone. Three wheel scooters are available in plenty in online stores. If you want to own one you can select and buy online easily as per your favorite designs, colors, style. 

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Some beneficial features of three wheel scooters

Three wheel scooters are popular among people of all ages. These mobility vehicles are not too expensive and provide a smooth ride both indoors and outdoors. Some of the notable features of these scooters include; lightweight, robust structure, minimum turn radius and flexible steering. These scooters come with portable features as well.
Three wheel scooters are popularly known as mobility vehicles and this type of vehicles is in great demands not only among the kids and teenagers but also among elderly people because of their beneficial features.

A refreshing and affordable means of getting around

These mobility vehicles boasts sleek designs and they come with practical features to provide a hassle-free ride. These traits have proved to be a boon for senior people as they have finally found an easy and affordable means of getting around. Three wheel scooters that are powered by electric spare aged people the ordeal of dealing with gasoline for their gas-powered vehicles.

Different models are meant for different usage

Some three wheel scooters are crafted for only indoor riding while some others are designed for riding on pavements. Thee is a misconception that these mobility vehicles are not the best bet for outdoor use as they are not as stable as the ones with four wheels. However, if you need to visit the nearest mall or some other stores for that matter, three wheel scooter is your way-to-go vehicle.

Performance of three wheel scooter

These scooters that are powered by electric are capable of travelling up to 25 miles and carrying up to 250 pounds.

Special features make riding easy

It hardly takes any effort to manoeuvre these three wheel scooters. These scooters are capable of making very small circular turns owing to their impressive wheel design and the steering are easily manageable as well. These traits are very useful for riding in a congested area. You can use these mobility vehicles for riding outdoors, however, if you want to ride outdoors on three wheel scooters you are better off upgrading to full size versions. Another great feature of these scooters is they are strong and durable and yet not too heavy since they are made of aluminium. Furthermore, some specific models of these scooters are portable which means you can fold and keep them in the back-seat. Some models of three wheel scooters come with even better features as you can remove different parts of the scooter. This feature have well and truly made carrying scooters an effortless task for those with limited ability for lifting. Recent models of three wheel scooters have catered to the needs of those looking for a full day's ride as they have come up with features like front baskets, locking compartments, carrying racks.  

Thursday, 25 February 2016

A Comparative Analysis on Three wheel scooters and utility Bicycles for growing Children

The utility bicycles and three wheel scooters are preferable choices of parents when looking for an outdoor toy option for their walking, running and growing kids. Parents usually get confused between both or consider both as vehicles providing the same level of benefits. Since, ancient times people are not able to discriminate the unique and specific differences between three wheel scooters and bicycles.

The differences that normally people identify between three wheel scooters and utility bicycles are in their structures. The bicycles have the seat, huge tires, and drive-train, weight and bulk. However, the three wheel scooters have small tires, footplate and handle.

But, one more major difference between the two are three wheel scooters are easy to carry for children due to their light-weight and efficient design. While the bicycles are heavy and less efficient for kids in comparison with three wheel scooters.

Even for the purpose of transportation, the folding scooter design shows high portability rate in comparison to folding bicycle design. The folding three wheel scooters are compact and easily transportable material.


Another main function that is usually the major concern of parents is the security provided by outdoors vehicles. It is been estimated that rate of annual accidents is more due to riding bicycles rather than three wheel scooters. However, the utility bicycles show an advantage of the long journey and open space but for small children, three wheel scooters are a better option because they do not need to run long distances at this age.

The three wheel scooters show easy to drive feature over the traffic obstacles in the journey whereas bicycles are not so easy to handle in traffic area because pedaling does not provide control over low speed. The three wheel scooters offer low-speed stability option.

The bicycles are not allowed on all the footpaths of the country whereas three wheel scooters are allowed everywhere on footpaths even where bicycles are prohibited to run.


The utility bicycle provides ride on the basis of pedaling whereas three wheel scooters offer kicking and pushing. In riding a three wheel scooters the whole body gets engaged in energy motivation function by kicking and pushing. Whereas pedaling in bicycles only offer functioning of lower body portion. Therefore, three wheel scooter are better for growing kids to get good growth and height.
The bicycles are good for long distance aiming easy maneuverability over non-flat surfaces. However, the utility of three wheel scooters limit to more flat surfaces than non-flat surfaces.

It is scientifically proven that kicking and pushing gives the low level of stress to knee joints in comparison to knee stress initiated by pedaling in the bicycle. Therefore, for growing children definitely the kicking and pushing offered by three wheel scooters is the incredible option as the outdoor vehicle.  

Friday, 29 January 2016

Gift your children three wheel scooters

Three wheel scooter are not just fashionable but also a great gift for kids who have found an amazing means of getting to and from their schools. Aside from the fun aspect, it is also important to note that when a child is riding a scooter with three wheels the child is learning the crucial skill of balancing and coordinating. Once they learn completely how to balance they will start riding two wheel scooters, roller blades, skateboards and the likes. So, if you have a young child at home, don't hesitate to gift him or her a three wheel scooter.

Another benefit of presenting your children a three wheel scooter is the exposure to outdoors and scope for healthy exercises. Instead of staying indoors, watching tv and sitting in the couch and falling prey to obesity, it is always better for your children to stay outside and ride three wheel scooters for some hours. Scooter riding also promotes various exercises which is beneficial for the health of your children.

There are many types of three wheel scooters available in the market. You can choose between kick scooter and push scooters for your children, however, the latter would be better choice as this type of scooters come with an exclusive mechanism in its stem. Push scooters usually have two wheels on the front and the third wheel is located in the rear section. In essence, if you want the best three wheel scooter for your children, push scooters are your ultimate choice.

While it is a great idea to gift your children three wheel scooter as it is beneficial for them in many different ways, don't forget the safety aspect. Since the biggest area of concern is the head of the riders you need to give your children some sturdy scooter helmets which are also known as multi-sports helmets. While buying the helmet you just have to ensure that the helmet looks attractive because otherwise your children may not want to wear them while riding.

Three wheel scooters are also easy to maintain and if any part gets damaged you can fix that easily as well. Now that you are aware of all the beneficial features of three wheel scooters you must be wondering where can you get them. While land-based shops in super markets are not bad options you can also find an array of dealers that sell a wide range of three wheel scooter along with spare parts and scooter apparels.