The utility bicycles and three wheel
scooters are preferable choices of parents when looking for an
outdoor toy option for their walking, running and growing kids.
Parents usually get confused between both or consider both as
vehicles providing the same level of benefits. Since, ancient times
people are not able to discriminate the unique and specific
differences between three wheel scooters and bicycles.
The differences that normally people
identify between three wheel scooters and utility bicycles are
in their structures. The bicycles have the seat, huge tires, and
drive-train, weight and bulk. However, the three wheel scooters
have small tires, footplate and handle.
But, one more major difference between
the two are three wheel scooters are easy to carry for
children due to their light-weight and efficient design. While the
bicycles are heavy and less efficient for kids in comparison with
three wheel scooters.
Even for the purpose of transportation,
the folding scooter design shows high portability rate in comparison
to folding bicycle design. The folding three wheel scooters
are compact and easily transportable material.
Another main function that is usually
the major concern of parents is the security provided by outdoors
vehicles. It is been estimated that rate of annual accidents is more
due to riding bicycles rather than three wheel scooters.
However, the utility bicycles show an advantage of the long journey
and open space but for small children, three wheel scooters
are a better option because they do not need to run long distances at
this age.
The three wheel scooters show
easy to drive feature over the traffic obstacles in the journey
whereas bicycles are not so easy to handle in traffic area because
pedaling does not provide control over low speed. The three wheel
scooters offer low-speed stability option.
The bicycles are not allowed on all the
footpaths of the country whereas three wheel scooters are
allowed everywhere on footpaths even where bicycles are prohibited to
The utility bicycle provides ride on
the basis of pedaling whereas three wheel scooters offer
kicking and pushing. In riding a three wheel scooters the whole body
gets engaged in energy motivation function by kicking and pushing.
Whereas pedaling in bicycles only offer functioning of lower body
portion. Therefore, three wheel scooter are better for growing kids
to get good growth and height.
The bicycles are good for long distance
aiming easy maneuverability over non-flat surfaces. However, the
utility of three wheel scooters limit to more flat surfaces
than non-flat surfaces.
It is scientifically proven that
kicking and pushing gives the low level of stress to knee joints in
comparison to knee stress initiated by pedaling in the bicycle.
Therefore, for growing children definitely the kicking and pushing
offered by three wheel scooters is the incredible option as
the outdoor vehicle.
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